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The SAP074B consist of four independent, high-voltage JFET-input, frequency-compensated operational amplifiers designed to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages. Operation from split supplies also is possible if the difference between the two supplies is 10V to 30V.

The devices feature high slew rates, low-input bias and offset currents, and low offset-voltage temperature coefficient.

Main feature
  • Wide Single?Supply Range: 10V~30V

  • Wide Common-Mode and Differential Voltage Ranges

  • Low Input Bias and Offset Currents

  • High-Input Impedance: JFET Input Stage

  • Common-Mode Input Voltage Range Includes VCC+

  • Internal Frequency Compensation

Ordering Information
Product Name Package form Marking Hazardous Substance Control Packing Type Remarks
SAP074BSB SOP-14-225-1.27 SAP074B Halogen free Tube
SAP074BSBTR SOP-14-225-1.27 SAP074B Halogen free Tape&Reel
Block Diagram

SAP074B .png

title Types of Size (KB) date Download the latest English version
SAP074B 0 1970-01-01 SAP074B Datasheet
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