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The SA2803 is high-voltage, high-current darlington driver IC composed of 8 NPN darlington pairs. All units share the emitter in common, and each unit adopts open-collector output. A 2.7KΩ resistor is connected to each darlington pair in serial, which is compatible with TTL and 5V CMOS for data processing without logic buffer.

Sink current of SA2803 is up to 500mA, when it is off state, the withstand voltage is 50V and the output can runs with high load current, which provides solutions for various interface.

Main feature
  • Wide operating voltage range

  • 8-ch high-gain darlington array

  • High output voltage (up to 50V)

  • High output current (up to 500mA)

  • Able to connect to TTL, CMOS, PMOS directly

  • Clamp diodes for switching inductive loads

Ordering Information
Product Name Package form Marking Hazardous Substance Control Packing Type Remarks
SA2803DE DIP-18-300-2.54 SA2803DE Halogen free Tube
SA2803SS SOP-18-375-1.27 SA2803SS Halogen free Tube
SA2803SSTR SOP-18-375-1.27 SA2803SS Halogen free Tape&Reel
SA2803RE SSOP-24-225-0.635 SA2803RE Halogen free Tube
SA2803RETR SSOP-24-225-0.635 SA2803RE Halogen free Tape&Reel
Block Diagram

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SA2803 0 1970-01-01 SA2803 Datasheet
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