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    The SDH2106U is high voltage N-type power MOSFET and IGBT half bridge driver, whose built-in undervoltage lockout prevents the power device from working under low control voltage, and high/low side input interlock protection avoids the simultaneous conduction of both high side and low side MOSFETs.

Main feature
  • High-side floating supply absolute voltage:600V

  • Output current:+0.35A / -0.70A

  • 3.3V / 5V / 15V input logic compatible

  • High-/low-side double high input interlock protection

  • Under-voltage (UV) lockout

  • dV/dt immune

Ordering Information
Product Name Package form Marking Hazardous Substance Control Packing Type Remarks
SDH2106U SOP-8-225-1.27 SDH2106U Halogen free Tube
SDH2106UTR SOP-8-225-1.27 SDH2106U Halogen free Tape&Reel
Block Diagram

SDH2106U 英文.png

title Types of Size (KB) date Download the latest English version
SDH2106U 0 1970-01-01 SDH2106U Brief Datasheet
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