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    SDH8635 is current mode PWM+PFM controller used for SMPS, with built-in high voltage MOSFET, high-voltage startup constant current source, and external sensing resistor.

    SDH8635 has a built-in high-voltage startup constant current source, features low standby power dissipation (<30mW) and multi-mode control. At heavy load condition, it works in PWM mode. At light load condition, it works in PFM mode to improve the conversion efficiency. At no load, it enters burst mode to reduce the standby power dissipation. 

    SDH8635 integratesswitching frequency jitter to achieve low EMI. Built-in peak current compensation circuit makes the limit output power consistent even with different input AC voltages. Built-in soft startup reduces the transformer stress during power-on process to avoid transformer saturation. 

    SDH8635 integrates comprehensive exceptional protections including leading edge blanking (LEB),cycle-by-cycle peak current limit, VCC overvoltage protection(OVP), output overload protection(OLP)and over-temperature protection(OTP) etc. 

Main feature
  • High-voltage startup

  • Low standby power dissipation<30mW

  • Multi-mode control

  • Switching frequency jitter

  • Peak current compensation

  • Soft startup

  • Leading edge blanking(LEB)

  • Cycle-by-cycle current limit

  • VCC overvoltage protection(OVP)

  • Output overload protection(OLP) 

  • Over-temperature protection(OTP)

Ordering Information
Product Name Package form Marking Hazardous Substance Control Packing Type Remarks
SDH8635 DIP-8-300-2.54 SDH8635 Halogen free Tube
Block Diagram


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SDH8635 0 1970-01-01 SDH8635 Brief Datasheet
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